Welcome Coaches

Awareness | Perspective | Choice | Action | Results

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The Process Flow

This Is For You If...

  1. You believe in the value of video analysis, but you don't have the capacity to complete it.
  2. You want to increase your income stream simply by having conversations with your students.
  3. You could benefit by having supportive, reputable and reliable coaches like Ahad on your side.
  4. You coach affluent students who are keen, committed, and that understand the value of premium services.

We Help You By...

  1. Doing the time intensive, detailed video analysis for you, and creating a report.
  2. Being a support structure, and filling in the gaps that one person cannot fill independently - e.g. annual planning for keen students, etc.
  3. Speeding up your student's learning curve, and thus getting results. Happier students = more lessons and training.
  4. Helping you develop your coaching craft further, if that is of interest.
Click To View a Sample Report We Create For Students

Why We Do This

  1. We genuinely love squash!
  2. We love guiding others to become the best versions of themselves.
  3. We are exceptionally good at what we do.

Our Commitment To You

Customized Training

We employ a bespoke approach with each player - unique analysis reports and recommendations for each student - covering technical, tactical, mental, and fitness aspects of the game.

Team Oriented

We work together to outline stretch goals for the season, and then we work diligently to achieve them.

Your success is our success, and we will do our utmost to manifest it.

Engaged & Communicative

We are passionate about our craft, and we take pride in it. We will inspire, empower, and guide transformation.

World Class Support

We are here to work alongside you, in order to enhance your students' experiences.

Your students will always work with you. We are a supplementary, value add service to deliver exceptional results.

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Let's start delivering even better results, and increasing your income stream!


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